Transhumance is an important time of the year in the mountains. This procession of animals on migration to the mountain pastures has been attracting increasing interest from curious and/or nostalgic visitors…
Transhumance is an important time of the year in the mountains. This procession of animals on migration to the mountain pastures has been attracting increasing interest from curious and/or nostalgic visitors …
Once again, there will be no events or herd monitoring this year: the animals will be led up with their shepherds and friends/families only, as ordered by the authorities.
Thank you for respecting restrictions and we hope to see you in 2024 !
For nearly a thousand years, transhumance has been practised in the Pyrenees from north to south and from east to west. Today the rhythmic oscillation of the herds continues with a more limited density, though it remains very present in our mountains. The sheep go, mowing the grass as they trample and pack the earth. No need for maintenance where the animals pass by !
This authentic practice of transhumance on foot, far from being reduced to a folk event, is completely in line with sustainable development and respect for animal welfare.
Our pastoral areas are located in zones where the climate allows animals to stay from mid-June onwards at altitude. But there is no rest for the breeders who take advantage of this most beautiful season for haymaking and the harvesting of fodder, useful for feeding in winter and stored in the dry stables and sheepfolds.

Our mountain-slope facing Spain is cool and humid in spring, with occasional showers that make the wild lavender and thyme grow abundantly. The high meadows are covered with heather and thistles. In the midst of the rocks grow cistus, edelweiss and houseleek, followed by the asphodel, anemone and bee orchid, that, in turn, grow higher up on the plateaus.
The evaporation that pumps the soils in summer is not significant enough to dry out our landscapes: our pastures are green and perfumed and offer up a famous reservoir of food for the cattle, each one sure to find their favourite vegetation. The meat is tasty and the milk is still, in some cases, used to create the tomme des Pyrénées cheese, with its beautiful mountain-flower aroma …

Beginning of June over three weekends.
Les Pastorales of Guzet
After having accompanied the herds during the June transhumance, come and meet the herds and breeders on their summer pastures.
In July, the Transhumances in Couserans association organises a great, festive event surrounding the theme of pastoralism in Guzet’s summers.
Activities are offered for all ages (games for children, demonstrations, conferences, music, exhibitions and more). A mountain market is also held there, with authentic products and direct producers.